Nikki Martin

Yoga Teacher / Novelist 

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Nikki Martin is a Writer and Yoga Teacher living on the eastern shore of Nova Scotia. She is a community leader who teaches full time and has been a contributor on more than one Yoga Teacher Training. Her first fictional novel A Momentary Darkness was released in 2018 and the second novel in the Awake While Dreaming trilogy will be out June 2021.

I spent most of my life working to acquire things while I gave up on my dreams and found no happiness. Then in my early thirties we lost my father to cancer and I suddenly realized all the things I'd been reaching for were meaningless. I decided to build a happy and fulfilling life and when I found my passion I chased it relentlessly until I was able to make it a career. After years not writing I began to find my voice again. I had a short piece accepted into a collection of writings on yoga and because the publisher loved my work she found out I had written novels in my twenties and asked to read one. A year later A Momentary Darkness was published and my oldest dream came true. Now when I'm moving through darkness or struggle I think back to all that. I remember sometimes it's simply a path to greatness or joy or happiness but we have to be willing to move through it all. To trust we are strong enough and what we're meant for is on the other side. Even the tragedies of our lives, like losing my father far too young, are a part of the stories we are meant to live. It's a part of what has led me here and I cannot forfeit it. I must simply look to be grateful for what we did have and to live every moment going forward a little more fully.


What are you most proud of professionally? And who or why?

Writing and publishing my second novel. When I was much younger writing books was kind of easy. They poured out of me and though they were a mess and needed a lot of work it had still been fifteen years since I'd written a novel when I sat down to write The Beginning's End in the winter of 2019. To write a story that complex and big and important as a follow up to my first book was the most amazing and wonderful experience and being a much better writer than I was so long ago made it even more enjoyable and amazing.

What’s your vision for Atlantic Canada in 10 years? What’s our biggest opportunity now?

A province where we see more equity and there is a clear celebration of diversity. I hope we can become a leader in clean energy, conservation and in how we treat all diverse and marginalized populations. Seeing the struggle we have moved through this past year and to now be so much more united than many places gives me hope that we can make and facilitate change towards seeing that better, more just and fair world for all.

What was your greatest stage of growth? What made it a shift for you?

Finding and accepting a spiritual life after my father died. I stepped away from alcoholism and misery and found yoga and simply began to choose to live a joyful life.

What’s your favourite or most read book or podcast? Now or at each of your greatest stages of growth?

One of my favourites is Cheryl Strayed's "Tiny Beautiful Things". It is a deeply compassionate, honest and loving account of her writings as Dear Sugar in response to reader letters. She is so able to see people, in the most loving way, it's breathtaking and always reminds me we are meant to see and accept everyone and that we are meant to be loving kindness.

What’s your deepest learning from this past year? How did/will you apply it?

Trust myself and my path. Over and over again amongst the struggle of this year I thrived. I certainly had a lot of fear and challenge and so much more but there was also joy and success and more opportunities came my way than ever before. When you follow your heart and find the things you're meant for, with enough hard work and dedication, there is a way to succeed.

Who’s inspired you, directly or indirectly? How have they inspired you?

The women in my life who are building careers. Business owners, artists, creators, teachers, trainers. Hustling and working hard to carve paths of their own despite what the world might tell them is possible. Then using their success to uplift other women. It has truly led the way for me to work to do the same.

What would you have done differently?

Honestly, I'm not sure I would change a thing. But I will try to take the lessons of my missteps and be better going forward.

What are the principles you live by?

Honesty. Authenticity. Compassion. Joy. Passion. Self-knowing. Love.

How have you recovered from fractured professional relationships? What uncomfortable truths have you learned about yourself in those experiences?

I would say humility has been a huge part of it. So has a willingness to acknowledge my own culpability in why they broke down or fell apart. And of course a willingness to offer compassion to others in a way I hope to receive myself; an acknowledgment that most people are good and decent and maybe some of what has happened is simply because in that moment it’s the best they can do. Can I see both our own failings and the good we brought to the situation so that I can move on. I also always try to look at how those losses or struggles have made me better, stronger and to simply be grateful for where and who I am because of them. All of that usually allows me to accept what has been and build something better going forward or to make peace and apologize for my part in it.

I’ve learned to see my own hard lines and what I struggle to compromise. I’ve learned my own insecurities, and lack of self love can cloud my perception. I’ve learned I’m strong enough to survive anything and that my determination and fire is a super power and yet I do need people around to rely on, to catch me when I fall. I’ve learned there’s good ways and harmful ways to use my fierceness and my fire. I’ve learned I want to do and be better as I continue to build my life and my business in the city. I want to be a positive force for change and that means knowing myself, my shadow and my light and being willing to take ownership of both my successes and my mistakes.


Novelist, Writer, Yoga Teacher, Entrepreneur, Teacher Trainer, Community Leader, Public Speaker