Krista Ritchie

Assistant Professor


I am an assistant professor in the Faculty of Education at Mount Saint Vincent University. I love teaching preservice teachers, and doing research to understand and promote the needs of students and teachers. I am also an associate scientist at the IWK Health Centre and collaborate with an amazing team in Women's Obstetric Anesthesia on education research and evidence-based practices.


What’s your vision for Atlantic Canada in 10 years? What’s our biggest opportunity now?

Our biggest opportunity right now is learning from the pandemic-response that Nova Scotians can act fast and achieve great things. We know that our child-poverty rates are extremely high and we need to act now. We can eliminate child poverty. My vision is basic income for all Nova Scotians to meet the basic needs of all children, and to fully integrate research into public education to better understand and support teachers and students.

Who’s inspired you, directly or indirectly? How have they inspired you?

My PhD supervisor inspired me during graduate studies, and his influence shapes my thinking and choices every day. My time during graduate studies at McGill University taught me that education is a healthcare issue, and healthcare is an education issue.

What are the principles you live by?

Tenacious kindness wins.


researcher, teacher, mother