Laura McPhee

Speaker, Healer, Coach.

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Laura is a Speaker, Healer, and Coach who runs an international 6-figure business that supports coaches, healers, and heart-centered entrepreneurs to increase their impact and income! She also empowers female leaders to serve from an overflowing cup with pleasure, joy & ease! Laura is a ThetaHealer, Master Reiki Practitioner, Erotic Blueprints Coach, Trained in Accelerated Evolution, Tony Robbins Mastery University Grad, Claircognizant, Empath & Reflector.

In her previous career, she was an Accountant with a Bachelor of Business Administration & always at the top of her class, so she loves bridging the gap between the hyper masculine energy culture most women grow up in, with doing the deeper divine feminine work so that women can truly BE all they feel called to be and absolutely love their lives, work in the world & have hot sex too!

What are you most proud of professionally? And who or why?

I am very proud that I am following my mission in life & heart's desires! Especially because some thought I was crazy for leaving my "stable, high paying" job in the corporate world, but within 3 years of me following my dreams full time I surpassed 6 figures in my business!! I am also extremely proud of the clients I get to work with and the amazing positive waves of change that we are all creating in people's lives and the world!

What’s your vision for Atlantic Canada in 10 years? What’s our biggest opportunity now?

My deepest vision is that the wellness communities continue to expand and thrive on all levels! I feel a big opportunity that we have is utilizing our beautiful nature & land to create sustainable communities that overflow abundance into surrounding areas.

What was your greatest stage of growth? What made it a shift for you?

When I first became an entrepreneur there was so much to learn and grow into. I am so grateful for the Coaches, Healers and Mentors who supported me along my journey and allowed me to accelerate along my path. I did tons of mindset and subconscious belief work to show up as new versions of myself and succeed!

What’s your favourite or most read book or podcast? 

You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero, Loving What Is by Byron Katie, Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, and After the Ecstasy the Laundry by Jack Kornfield

What’s your deepest learning from this past year? How did/will you apply it?

I've been in mentorship with Jaiya, the creator of the Erotic Blueprints for the past 2.5 years, and my deepest learning is how much pleasure I can experience / Be in and how much easier life & business can be. I've integrated and now embody Pleasure First, deep safety & trust in my body / wisdom / intuition and have really epic solo & partnered sex (which is huge because I had so much trauma & baggage that I wasn't able to Orgasm at all until I was 25 & now I can have 10 - 100 orgasms a night).

Who’s inspired you, directly or indirectly? How have they inspired you?

Tony Robbins has deeply inspired me as he's paved the way in the coaching industry and made such massive positive waves of change in millions of people's lives through sharing his soul's work & through giving to incredible charities! I've attended his Unleash the Power Within, Life & Wealth Mastery and Date with Destiny Events in person and have up levelled my identity and life though each one! I have become a better human, Coach & Leader already and am inspired by seeing his path, what is possible for me as I expand my positive impact in the world!

What would you have done differently?

​​I believe that everything happens for a reason that's ultimately linked to my highest and best good so I wouldn't have done anything differently. However, if I could send a message to my younger self it would be to start getting support from a Coach, Healer, Counsellor one-on-one as soon as possible as that has propelled me into my Dream Life & the path could have been easier with more support.

What are the principles you live by?

BE the Change You Wish to See in the World! Do unto others as you would have them do to you. Serve the world from and overflowing cup of self-love, care & pleasure! BE Love!


Entrepreneur, Coach, ThetaHealer, Certified Erotic Blueprint Coach, Master Reiki Practitioner, Claircognizant, Empath, Dancer, Traveler, Seeker, Pleasure Queen!